Anchor Corps

Marketing Strategies


A bedrock of online advertising. If you are not advertising online with google adwords you (most likely) should be. Traversing this medium can be an overwhelming endeavor for the largest of businesses, let alone small. Our experts lay your foundation down with important steps to ensure your campaign is appropriately targeted and not spending inappropriately. Daily monitoring and management, along with synergistic channel platform additions deliver a constant ROI for your business.

Social Media

Understanding audiences and interaction is key to success on social platforms. Groups and users can have incredibly unexpected reactions to even the most docile of campaigns. Strategy is key. Acceptance is as must. Anchor consistently produces successful social campaigns by understanding the market penetration and delivering content users accept without realizing they have been advertised to.

Social Media

Understanding audiences and interaction is key to success on social platforms. Groups and users can have incredibly unexpected reactions to even the most docile of campaigns. Strategy is key. Acceptance is as must. Anchor Corps consistently produces successful social campaigns by understanding the market penetration and delivering content users accept without realizing they have been advertised to.

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One of the most critical aspects of online marketing is the ability to follow and retarget users during the sales cycle. We collect data and identifiers so we can appropriately (and gently) push a user toward the next step of our sales funnel. Maintaining an active and personalized retargeting effort always leads to a greater return and usually benefits grassroot efforts in the process.


Outside of Google there are many other vertices that support a programmatic approach to online marketing. We have relationships with all platforms and brands to make sure your message is delivered through the appropriate megaphone to the specific audience we need. Programmatic ad buys allow us to keep the cost down for our customers while gathering valuable data on who our audience is and what their online patterns are.


Outside of Google there are many other vertices that support a programmatic approach to online marketing. We have relationships with all platforms and brands to make sure your message is delivered through the appropriate megaphone to the specific audience we need. Programmatic ad buys allow us to keep the cost down for our customers while gathering valuable data on who our audience is and what their online patterns are.

Podcasting Ads

 One of our favorite advertising channels. If you are an avid podcaster – you know; if you haven’t listened to a podcast you wouldn’t understand the immense loyalty these listeners have. Huge for brand awareness and recognition; Anchor levels the playing field with ad access to thousands of top-tier podcasts players. With the ability to professionally edit audio in-house, Anchor assures listeners a fluid listen while diving into their podcasting world; creating a strong, lasting impression about your company.

OTT and IOT AD Buys

 OTT or “Over-The-Top” delivers video ads via a multitude of streaming services and network applications. We at Anchor are very big on this channel as it mimics a traditional Cable TV ad buy, but retains a trackable internet data and tons of targeted impressions. With the JAnchor strategy, our in-house video development team, and purchasing power your product/brand/service is guaranteed to win on OTT.

OTT and IOT AD Buys

 OTT or “Over-The-Top” delivers video ads via a multitude of streaming services and network applications. We at Anchor are very big on this channel as it mimics a traditional Cable TV ad buy, but retains a trackable internet data and tons of targeted impressions. With the Anchor strategy, our in-house video development team, and purchasing power your product/brand/service is guaranteed to win on OTT.

Unlock the Possibilities

Digital Radio/Streaming Ads

Spotify, Pandora, & Alexa/GoogleHome applications and devices are just a few examples of this medium. Another impression based system, we can target specific users based on a wide range of identifiers. Geo-targeting our message ensures a qualified audience is reached. This tool also allows us to learn about our customers behaviors like never before. And with a surprisingly low barrier for entry our customers love the return.

In App Ads

A new version of traditional display, In-App Advertising can be a useful “reminder” for customers during a specific daily task, lifestyle moment, or online behavior. Having an ability to serve up an ad in conjunction with one of the above methods can produce an innocuous and meaningful reminder to the user. The Anchor team parses though a lake of data to establish an in-app campaign tailored to your business.

In App Ads

A new version of traditional display, In-App Advertising can be a useful “reminder” for customers during a specific daily task, lifestyle moment, or online behavior. Having an ability to serve up an ad in conjunction with one of the above methods can produce an innocuous and meaningful reminder to the user. The Anchor team parses though a lake of data to establish an in-app campaign tailored to your business.

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Direct Mail

Anchor Corps’s strategic position with our other entities has given us wholesale access to nearly every print asset a business could desire. On top of that, we have the ability to fulfill the campaign though postage or hand delivery. Of course we put our Anchor twist on direct mailers with trackable phone numbers, landing pages, and A&B testing to maximize our effort. In the end, Anchor is truly a one stop shop for this option.

Direct Mail

Anchor Corps’ strategic position with our other entities has given us wholesale access to nearly every print asset a business could desire. On top of that, we have the ability to fulfill the campaign though postage or hand delivery. Of course we put our Anchor twist on direct mailers with trackable phone numbers, landing pages, and A&B testing to maximize our effort. In the end, Anchor is truly a one stop shop for this option.

Traditional/ Linear ( TV Radio)

 The family room television will never die, at least not this year. Traditional advertising methods are catching up to the Anchor Data Mining Model, and with that comes a slew interesting – and trackable – campaign methods for this long established platform. When it comes to producing and distributing video, quality is the most important factor. Luckily for our clients, we have in-house television professionals that have created live-action films all the way to syndicated TV shows to ensure even the smallest local branch has a big hollywood look and feel on the family room TV.

Increase Your Profit Margin


Knowing who is on your site, where they came from, and what potential next actions are have become critical tools on the online marketplace. These metrics can deliver incredibly valuable information for all sectors of your business. We collect data securely and safely; then utilize it to create a blueprint for immediate action and long-term forecasting.


Billboards on the internet. They are interactive, mildly invasive, and (when used correctly) they work. Static images, GIFs, and memes are all arrows in our display quiver. Our campaigns are not limited to a select few pages – we have access to every site online. We create an on brand message and deliver it at the perfect moment (to the correct individual) is what makes Anchor Corps’ display campaigns second to none.


Billboards on the internet. They are interactive, mildly invasive, and (when used correctly) they work. Static images, GIFs, and memes are all arrows in our display quiver. Our campaigns are not limited to a select few pages – we have access to every site online. We create an on brand message and deliver it at the perfect moment (to the correct individual) is what makes Anchor Corps’ display campaigns second to none.

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Corporate Locations

1315 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19107

221 Laurel Rd. Voorhees, NJ 08043

Call Us

(215) 261-7215